Theatre as a media form and communicate with the audience.
Theatre (sometimes theater in American
English) is a collaborative form of fine art that
uses live performers to present the experience of a real or imagined event
before a live audience in a specific place. The performers may communicate this
experience to the audience through combinations of gesture, speech, song, music
or dance. Elements of design and stagecraft
are used to enhance the physicality, presence and immediacy of the experience.[2]
The specific place of the performance is also named by the word
"theatre" as derived from the Ancient
Greek θέατρον (théatron, “a place for viewing”) and θεάομαι (theáomai, “to
see", "to watch", "to observe”). (
If we hear the word of theatre we will thinking of cinema, as we can see the meaning of theatre above, theatre have meaning to see, to watch and to observe something. Before we have cinema, theatre is the only entertainment that we have, we go to theatre to watch some story or fairytale became a live movie with the actor and actress play on the stage. Some people in old days go to theatre not only to watch some a live movie but to observe some stories or fairytale from their country and other country, because in theatre not only show the story or fairytale from their country, so some people want to know about other country story or fairytale, and after that they can share the story to their children or their relatives.
As time goes by, the technology more advance we have a cinema theatre, a cinema theatre not really different with an old theatre, the different is we're not see or watch a live movie with the actor or actress play on the stage. In cinema we watch a movie that already recorded, so we can watch over again.
Since we have a cinema now, not many people especially young people who were born in between 1990 until now not really interest with theatre, because they said the story too old. But not all young people thinking like that, they use the theatre for alternative way to express something such as to introduce a brand new stories or to protest something what they don't like.